Tighten your prose, tie up those loose ends, whip your words into shape!
If you're looking for line editing, launch graphics, a writing coach, and more, this is your one stop shop. I'm dedicated to providing quality, cost effective support to other indies like me. I love seeing indie authors succeed!

About Me
I'm Ivy Nelson, and I'm primarily known for my work as a BDSM romance author. Now the theme of this business makes so much more sense, doesn't it? Over the past five years, I've written and published 30 novels and novellas. My publishing career has allowed me to make a respectable living and provide for my family while setting a schedule that works best for us. It really is the best job ever. Over the years, I've discovered that I love helping other authors reach their goals. I've edited for friends, designed covers for authors in shared worlds, and made graphics and teasers for countless others. With the help of a group of encouraging friends, I've decided to expand my services and help more people by making it a legitimate business.
I'll be keeping my calendar light at first, but as I determine what I'm capable of taking on, I'll open more slots! Check out each of the services above to see a full list of what I'm offering. I'm so excited to get to know you and your stories as we collaborate together to make it the best it can be and set you up for success.

Below you will find a comprehensive list of the services we currently offer. Pricing is also included. Feel free to contact us if you have questions.
From plot problems to marketing ideas, we can brainstorm anything you're feeling stuck on. We'll start the call with some quick questions to get oriented to the problem or project you want to work on, and go from there. Calls are a flat fee of $75 and they last half an hour, and everyone gets a free 10 minute intro call to see if we're a match. If you're enjoying a call, you can get an additional half hour for a discounted rate of $50. You can also book multiple calls for a small discount. This is especially good if you're drafting or working on a long-term project and want more support!
I'm high ideation (if you're a strengths for writers fan) and that means I love coming up with new ideas, and my brain is always moving. No idea is too strange for me! But I also believe in getting to know how clients think and I love figuring out what works and doesn't work for them in order to make our calls as productive as possible.
Call Bundles
Book three or more calls in advance for a discount.
Pre-Call Questionnaires to help us get the most of our time.
Great for long-term projects
Each call can be extended an additional half hour for $45
Get email support in between calls and for one week following your last call.
When I first started publishing books, I didn't have a lot of extra money for things like launch graphics, logos, or flatlays. But I still wanted them, so I taught myself Photoshop and Canva! Now, I make all my own covers, and most of my graphics. I do occasionally work with other designers because something is outside of my comfort zone, though.
And that's my way of saying, I'm not going to take your money if the concept you're proposing is outside of my skillset.
I think every indie author deserves beautiful graphics to support their marketing efforts. So that's what I'm mostly focused on with my graphics services. However, I am opening a couple of slots in my calendar to design contemporary covers. I will also have a number of premade cover sales throughout the year! All my other graphics services are listed below. I look forward to working with you!
I will be adding sticker design and other creative services later in 2024!
Launch Graphics
Countdown graphics from 2 weeks out to launch day.
Cover Reveal Graphic (or swap for an additional teaser)
5 teaser graphics & 5 review graphics
Facebook Group and Page Banners
Instagram Story sizes for countdown, cover reveal, and teasers included in price
Two rounds of changes included in cost.
Custom Cover Design
Contemporary Romance Only
Pre-Design Questionnaire to help minimize the number of revisions required.
Full Wrap for an additional $50
Flattened PSD with editable text file provided.
PNG of Title Treatment provided for use in teasers.
No illustrations. I only manipulate stock or use exclusive stock you provide.
3 rounds of revisions included in the price. Additional rounds of revisions are a flat fee of $35.
Premade Covers
Base price includes ebook only
First come First Served
Add full wrap for an additional $50 dollars.
3 rounds of revisions included in the price. Additional revisions are a flat fee of $35.
Flattened PSD with editable text file provided.
PNG of Title Treatment provided for use in teasers
Add all of the launch graphics, teasers, and flatlays from the complete package for an additional $100
Have you finished your manuscript, and you're not sure what to do with it now? I've got you! I currently offer a couple of different editorial options, so read through your options, book a sample edit, and pick the package that fits your needs.
Aside from having a good understanding of story, I'm skilled at spotting inconsistencies, and minor errors as well. I've also got nearly two decades of experience in the BDSM community, and I'll offer notes on your use of kink when I edit, but I also offer separate kink/BDSM sensitivity reads.
Please note that at this time, I'm only editing manuscripts that fall under the contemporary romance umbrella. It can be any sub-genre, but I don't edit historical, sci-fi, or PNR romance, and I don't edit anything that isn't romance.
Line Edit
Up to 120,000 words
Complete line edit with a focus on sentence structure, story pacing, and plot problems, as well as major proofing errors.
An edit letter with general editing suggestions. Additional changes $10 per change.
A 30 minute zoom to discuss your edits.
A second read-through after you've made your changes based on my initial edits.
.008 cents per word
Sensitivity Read
Up to 100,000 words.
I will read your book with an eye towards helping you improve your kink and avoid common BDSM stereotypes.
I'll highlight issues in the document itself as well as provide a letter with my general thoughts.
Thirty minute zoom to discuss potential issues available upon request at no additional charge.
This is not an edit.
Developmental Edit
Up to 120,000 words
One round of developmental edits with a focus on story elements and broad issues with the book. We will not focus on minor errors or sentence structure in a developmental edit.
In-line edits and an edit letter with all my general notes.
A 30 minute zoom call to discuss edits
No second rounds on a developmental edit.
.010 per word.
Let's be honest, I called this section marketing because I needed the M in BDSM, but most of my services focus on your newsletter. In my opinion, a healthy subscriber list is one of your best marketing tools, so it totally works! I do also offer a marketing material package where I'll pull quotes and tropes directly from your manuscript. As I learn more about what clients want, I'll add more marketing services.
Marketing Master List
A full read-through of your novel.
A list of tropes, universal fantasies, and reader favorites for you to highlight in your marketing
A word document with long excerpts, short teaser quotes, and potential ad copy to use for marketing
$90 per 10,000 words.
Stories under 20k are a flat fee of $150
Welcome Sequence
A complete onboarding sequence for your newsletter subscribers that will include at least three steps and segmenting based on how subscribers interact with your welcome email.
Price is for one sequence. Additional sequences for different onboarding sources (bonus scenes, newsletter builders, etc.) can be added at a discounted rate of $50 per sequence.
Screenshot instructions for how to alter the sequence for other sources.
Complete NL Overhaul
A newsletter audit followed by a complete overhaul of your newsletter.
List clean-up and segmenting.
Up to five unique welcome sequences for the various entry points to your newsletter.
Templates for regular newsletters, launch newsletters, and more.
Screenshot instructions for future segmenting and welcome sequence creation.
60 days of email support following your overhaul.​
Questions? Just fill out this contact form and I'll get back to you in forty-eight hours!